Journalism Research

Journalism plays a variety of important and complex roles in democratic societies, from public awareness of current events, through commentary on the meanings and implications of issues on the public agenda, to cultural roles related to the formation of social, political and national identities and narratives.

The current era is characterized by major challenges facing journalism in Israel and around the world as a result of significant changes in news production and consumption patterns, as well as cultural and political phenomena such as fake news, political polarization and declining public trust in the media.

Journalism research in the department deals with news production and consumption practices in Israel and abroad, in a variety of cultural and political contexts. Our research is based on advanced methods for analyzing news discourse, as well as interviews and surveys with journalists and media consumers. We also examine how the digital age is shaping and changing journalism through developments such as participatory journalism, journalistic discourse on social networks, and alternative journalistic platforms.

Research topics of department faculty members include:

Prof. Christian Baden

* Political discourse and journalism

* Interpretive conflicts and cultural resonance

* Multiple perspectives in the news

* Alternative facts and conspiracy theories

Prof. Zohar Kampf

* Political discourse and journalism

* The interpretation and mediation of intentions

* Moral discourse in news interviews

* Language, communication and friendship

Prof. Neta Kligler-Vilenchik

* Journalistic discourse on alternative digital platforms

* The prevention of false information (‘Fake News’)

Prof. Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt

* Journalism and political communication

* Journalism and the mediation of the future

* Journalism in times of conflict

* Patterns of news consumption in the changing media environment