Dr. Lilly Boxman-Shabtai Academic Head, B.A Studieslilly.boxman@mail.huji.ac.ilRoom 24506. Office hours: Monday 12:00-13:00 By appointment onlyhttps://lillian-boxman-shabtai.huji.ac.il/
Dr Eran Amsalem Head, M.A. Program Head, Political Communication MA ProgramMA Program Advisor02-5883211eran.amsalem@mail.huji.ac.ilRoom 24523. Office hours: Tuesday 12:00-13:00. By appointment only
Prof. Limor Shifman Chair, Screening CommitteeHead, The Smart Scholarship Program for Advanced Studies in Communication02-5883207limor.shifman@mail.huji.ac.ilRoom 24517. Office hours: Tuesday 12:00- 13:00. by appointment only
Prof. Neta Kligler-Vilenchik Head, Internet and New Media MA ProgramHead, The Smart Family Communications Institute02-5883385neta.kv@mail.huji.ac.ilRoom 24520. Office hours: Wednesday 12:15-13:15. by appointment only.
Prof. Ifat Maoz 02-5883265msifat@mail.huji.ac.il Room 24522.Office hours: Tuesday 16:00-17:00. by appointment only.
Prof. Keren Tenenboim- Weinblatt Head, Internship Program 02-5881059 keren.tw@mail.huji.ac.il Room 24521. Office hours: Sunday 16:00-17:00. by appointment only.Personal Website