Dganit Levi studies youth political expression on social media, while considering the role of digital media literacy and how it can be taught within the formal education system. As a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Communication and Journalism at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Levi focuses on how teens in Israel use social media as public platforms to express their point-of-view on socio-political issues, and asks how the acquisition of digital media literacy skills within the education system can help guide them to do so in ways that are more reflexive, effective, pro-democratic.
Research Interests
Political expression and digital activism
Social media, with an emphasis on Instagram and TikTok
Digital media literacy
The education system
לוי ד', וקליגלר-וילנצ'יק נ'. (2022). "גם לנו יש צד בסיפור": כיצד בני נוער ביטאו את חוויית הלמידה מרחוק בתקופת הקורונה באמצעות סרטוני "טיקטוק". מפגש, 55, עמ' 73-100.
Levi, D. & Kligler-Vilenchik, N. (2023). ‘We also have a side to the story:’ Teens’ use of TikTok affordances to share experiences around online learning during COVID-19. Mifgash 55, pp. 73-100. [In Hebrew]
The Zalman Aran scholarship for outstanding doctoral students in Education - 2022
Eshkol Institute scholarship for PhD students - 2022
Marylin Green Scholarship, for M.A students